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Sunday, March 4, 2018

What does OS mean in Technology World

Technology Definition: OS / OSes

OS (pronounced as separate letters) is the abbreviation for describing its purpose of running processes on a CPU device (on a computer). The general-purpose is to run other programs and applications. Operating systems (OSes) perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and directories on the storage drives, and controlling peripheral devices, such as printers.

OSes plural abbreviation

Technology Definition: CPU

CPU (pronounced as separate letters) is the abbreviation for central processing unit. Sometimes referred to simply as the central processor, but more commonly called processor, the CPU is the brains of the computer where most calculations take place.

Common OS / OSes

Common desktop operating systems include Windows, OS X, and Linux.

Common mobile OSes include Android, iOS, and Windows Phone. Also known as (AKA) graphical user interface (GUI) such as tablets and smartphones

Each OS communicates with the hardware differently and has a specific application program interface (API)

Technology Definition: GUI

GUI (pronounced with the aforementioned acronyms such as Gee-Yu-Eye or Gooey) General User Interface (GUI) It's purpose is to be a input (like the input on a television remote control, that toggles through television hardwired options TV, Cable, HDMI. In another words a menu of some sort. GUI is describe as a user interface that includes graphical elements, such as and not limited to, operating systems menu bars, icons and or buttons controlled exclusively subject to innovation by a clicking mouses, touch pads, stylists, swipes, keyboards, accessibility equipment, touch and voice command. 

Technology Definition: API

API (pronounced as separate letters) is the abbreviation for actions taken by programmers and developers and not limited by, of the actions taken by any individual whom or can create or build software or applications. Defining the Abbreviation API: Application Program Interface, which is a set of commands, functions, protocols, and objects that individuals (programmers) can use to create software, applications or interacting external systems. It also provides individuals (developers) with standard commands for performing common operations so they do not have to write the advanced coding from scratch.

Xer's Huddle - Explanations and permissions of this blog entry disclaimer

This blog entry contains the technical definition of OS, CPU, GUI and API. It explains in good faith of the computing terminology from a non professional expert and by a mentoring subject matter expert.

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